Henry Ford is often quoted for
saying, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t - - you’re right.” Nothing can be more powerful or debilitating
than how you think.
I lived with thoughts like “There’s never enough money.” Then the teaching of positive affirmations
changed my thinking into believing there always is enough money. Kitchen renovations to our small farm home,
mini-vacations and the purchase of a newer vehicle were some of things I wanted.
Its renowned authors like, T. Harv Eker, (Secrets
of the Millionaire Mind), Rhonda Bryne, (The Secret); and Brian Tracy (Achieve
Any Goal), to name a few, who turned people around with their wisdom on “you are what you
think.” It’s that
simple. So if you want to have an
abundant and fulfilling life, then think that.
The critical ingredients required to get what you really want starts
with a wish which turns into a desire mixed with intention and passion. This lesson from Dr. Wayne Dyer should be
well received by negative thinkers who are looking to change their present
If we constantly catch ourselves
saying, “I don’t have enough money. I am always broke. I hate money,” these negative images
become our reality. Do we really want this?
Of course not! Let’s see if we can change this by applying three basic ground
rules we learned as children to change our attitude about money.
1. “Stop, look and listen!” Pay attention to how you talk daily about money. When you see something you like, do you say, “I can’t afford that?” When your children ask to buy something, do you say, “I don’t have enough money?” When your friends take a winter vacation, do you say, “That’s nice but we can’t afford to do that?”
2. “If you don’t have anything good to say then don’t say anything at all,” applies the same to “thinking”. If you don’t have any good thoughts about money then don’t think at all. Change any negative talk into positive; and if you can’t, remain quiet. Complaining about not having enough money does not solve anything. You are better to think about all the things you would do if you had money. Retrain your thinking and create a wish list.
3. “Mind your own business.” When others start ranting about money woes, don’t participate and share yours. The polite thing to do is caution them and share your new-found wisdom, “you are what you think.”
How do you stop yourself from
having these negative thoughts about money? Have you ever said, “The next time I do something stupid, slap
me?” If no one is around to honor
your request when you have negative thoughts, try this. Put an elastic band around your wrist. When
you catch yourself saying anything negative about money, pull the elastic band
away from your wrist and release it.
Smack! It’s guaranteed to make you think about what you say. AND if you think a little slap from
an elastic band hurts your wrist, imagine how much your negative thoughts about
money hurt you financially.
When I ask, “How do you think about money?” I sincerely want to know. The
phrase, “a penny for your thoughts” leads us to conclude that good thoughts
have positive results. Being rewarded
for positive thinking creates incentive and makes you wealthy in more ways than
you realize.
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