Thursday, July 23, 2015

Why I Write

In recognition of the one year anniversary of this blog website, a sincere “Thank You” goes to you, my readers. When I started writing, I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect.  Writing sounds fun. At the same time making the commitment to write weekly has been a huge undertaking.  The gratification comes in seeing the blog posts in print.  I will admit that by far the greatest benefit is derived when I witness first-hand how the information helps you.  “Money blogs” are not necessarily the most glamorous ones to read.  When someone derives value and figures out even the tiniest way to improve their financial situation, then a significant benefit has been achieved. This motivates me to write. 

Other Reasons I Write

My priority for writing has always been to educate you.  The financial world is complex.  My objective has been to help you better understand the different aspects of financial planning.  I often comment that once you understand the “Why”, you have a better chance of applying the strategy.  We as adults need to copy children who consistently ask “Why?” Specific reasons are associated with different strategies. The strategies are different when you experience a new life event: marriage, birth of a child, retirement and the worst case scenario, death of a spouse.  Suddenly, you find yourself in a new world of financial circumstances.  Understanding “why” helps lead to “how”.  

The ideas for my blogs are generated from conversations shared with clients. The situations are real. If one person or a couple have these questions, there’s a good chance that others face similar circumstances. Having one common place to review the content helps reinforce the wide variety of topics discussed during the span of a two-hour meeting. These blogs act as a useful resource.  

Writing has sharpened my communication skills.  I stumbled across this quote from Albert Einstein, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”   My attempt to explain complex matters in plain and clear language has always been my goal.  Hunting for ways to associate matters which make sense in your world removes the confusion.  A good example of this was when I wrote, Can Investing Really Be Easy.   

I also thrive on passion.  With thirty-five years in the financial industry, I have found my sweet spot in being both a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional and motivational teacher.  Helping you become financially secure and fulfilling your goals, dreams and aspirations, whatever they may be, are at the top of my priority list.   If my blogs help you achieve this, then my reward comes from your success.

Expectation for Future Blogs

This past year I was fortunate to have one guest blogger.  Ryan Kitchen shared his post, Tax Complications Upon the Death of a Farmer. My future plans are to invite other bloggers to share their knowledge with us.  The “tax and estate planning” areas are complex, with each having its unique challenges.  Often we learn from our mistakes but we also learn from the mistakes of others.  Every writer has their own unique perspective on a topic.  We can glean information that we may need to implement in our circumstances.

I look forward to another year of blog posts.  I do not expect to run out of ideas; however, I am asking you to feed me any thoughts or ideas you have.  Tell me what issues are troubling or confusing you. There’s always an answer and solution that’s right for you.  We will find “it”.   


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